The Cold War Studies Book Series was established in 2001 with the academic publisher Rowman & Littlefield. As of mid-2020, thirty-nine volumes have been published. The series, sponsored by Cold War Studies at Harvard University, seeks to expand and enrich what is known about Cold War events and themes. It also encourages scholars to use their research on Cold War topics to illuminate current theoretical debates about international and domestic politics.
To this end, the series emphasizes the use of archival evidence to test and reexamine theoretical concepts that were derived from events during the Cold War.The series consists of original monographs and edited collections selected, after a two-stage review process, for their cogency, innovativeness, and clarity of exposition. The choice of books is made in consultation with anEditorial Boardof 44distinguished scholars.
The following editions of the Cold War Studies Book Series from Rowman & Littlefield are now avilable in bookstores:
Opposition, Repression, and Cold War: The Case of the 1956 Student Movement in Timisoara
Corina Snitar
The Hungarian Agricultural Miracle?: Sovietization and Americanization in a Communist Country
By Zsuzsanna Varga
Soviet Policy in Xinjiang: Stalin and the National Movement in Eastern Turkistan
By Jamil Hasanli
The Soviet Union and Cold War Neutrality and Nonalignment in Europe
Edited by Mark Kramer;Aryo Makkoand Peter Ruggenthaler
The Red Army in Austria: The Soviet Occupation, 1945–1955
Edited by Stefan Karner and Barbara Stelzl-Marx
Stalin's Double-Edged Game: Soviet Bureaucracy and the Raoul Wallenberg Case, 1945-1952
ByJohan Matz
The Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968: The Russian Perspective
Edited byJosef Pazderka
A Cold War over Austria: The Struggle for the State Treaty, Neutrality, and the End of the East-West Occupation, 1945-1955
By Gerald Stourzh and Wolfgang Mueller
Mao and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1959-1973
By Danhui Li and Yafeng Xia
Stalin’s Legacy in Romania: The Hungarian Autonomous Region, 1952–1960
By Stefano Bottoni
US–Spanish Relations after Franco, 1975–1989: The Will of the Weak
By Morten Heiberg
Bridging the Baltic Sea: Networks of Resistance and Opposition during the Cold War Era
By Lars Fredrik Stöcker
Dynamic Détente: The United States and Europe, 1964-1975
By Stephan Kieninger
The Tito–Stalin Split and Yugoslavia‘s Military Opening toward the West, 1950–1954: In NATO’s Backyard
By Ivan Laković and Dmitar Tasić
The Soviet Union and the Horn of Africa during the Cold War: Between Ideology and Pragmatism
By Radoslav A. Yordanov
Mao andthe Sino-Soviet Partnership, 1945-1959: A New History
By Zhihua Shen and Yafeng Xia
The Concept of Neutrality in Stalin’s Foreign Policy, 1945-1953
By Peter Ruggenthaler
Unified Military Industries of the Soviet Bloc: Hungary and the Division of Labor in Military Production
By Pál Germuska
Khrushchev's Thaw and National Identity in Soviet Azerbaijan, 1954–1959
By Jamil Hasanli
Suppressed Terror: History and Perception of Soviet Camps in Germany
By Bettina Greiner
The Legacy of the Cold War: Perspectives on Security, Cooperation, and Conflict
Edited by Vojtech Mastny and Zhu Liqun
The Vienna Summit and Its Importance in International History
Edited by Günter Bischof; Stefan Karner and Barbara Stelzl-Marx
Imposing, Maintaining, and Tearing Open the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945–1989
Edited by Mark Kramer and Vít Smetana
Solidarity: The Great Workers Strike of 1980
By Michael Szporer
Stalinand the Turkish Crisis of the Cold War, 1945-1953
By Jamil Hasanli
Securing the Communist State: The Reconstruction of Coercive Institutions in the Soviet Zone of Germany and Romania, 1944-1948
By Liesbeth Van de Grift
Solidarity with Solidarity: Western European Trade Unions and the Polish Crisis, 1980–1982
Edited by Idesbald Goddeeris
Globalizingde Gaulle: International Perspectives on French Foreign Policies, 1958-1969
Edited by Christian Nuenlist; Anna Locher, and Garret Martin
The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968
Edited by Günter Bischof; Stefan Karner, and Peter Ruggenthaler
China Learns from the Soviet Union, 1949–Present
Edited by Thomas P. Bernstein and Hua-Yu Li
Eisenhower and Adenauer: Alliance Maintenance under Pressure, 1953–1960
By Steven J. Brady
Stalin and the Cold War in Europe: The Emergence and Development of East-West Conflict, 1939-1953
By Gerhard Wettig
TheCold War after Stalin's Death: A Missed Opportunity for Peace?
Edited by Klaus Larres and Kenneth Osgood
The Eisenhower Administration, the Third World, and the Globalization of the Cold War
Edited by Kathryn C. Statler and Andrew L. Johns
Maoand the Economic Stalinization of China, 1948–1953
By Hua-Yu Li
At the Dawn of the Cold War: The Soviet-American Crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan, 1941-1946
By Jamil Hasanli
The Struggle for the Soul of the Nation: Czech Culture and the Rise of Communism
By Bradley F. Abrams
Triggering Communism's Collapse: Perceptions and Power in Poland's Transition
By Marjorie Castle
Resistance with the People: Repression and Resistance in Eastern Germany 1945–1955
By Gary Bruce
Redrawing Nations: Ethnic Cleansing in East-Central Europe, 1944-1948
Edited by Philipp Ther and Ana Siljak