Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences - Zayed University (2024)

Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences - Zayed University (1)

Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences - Zayed University (2)

Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences - Zayed University (3)

Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences - Zayed University (4)

Program Duration


Credit Hours

Cost Per Credit Hour

4 Semesters (On Average)

Abu Dhabi


AED 2,500

The Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences programprepares students with the expertise, knowledge and skills to analyze and advise on the implementation of an environmental management system or improve the environmental performance of almost any organization.

Studens will study a wide array of research areas including water sustainability, green technologies, climate change, sustainability planning and management, remote sensing and GIS, biodiversity and conservation, ecosystem functions, and circular economy.

Professional Outcomes

Upper-level management and other career opportunities with organizations ranging from government resource management and regulatory agencies, non-governmental organizations, conservation organizations, and environmental consulting firms to almost any industry including chemistry, engineering, logistics, and transportation will continue to emerge in the years ahead. Possible career choices include

Environmental Scientist or Specialist

Environmental Compliance Manager

Environmental Planner

Environmental Policy Manager

Environmental Engineer

Environmental Director

Environmental Consultant

Environmental Field Supervisor

Environmental Legal Expert

Nature Conservation Manager

Environmental Auditor

Occupational Health and Safety Officer

Risk Management Officer

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences program, students will be able to:

Knowledge and Practice

a. Develop an advanced understanding of ecosystem and the features to maintain it.

b. Recognize the role of human activities in shaping the natural environment and identify management and governance strategies for minimizing negative impacts and enhancing positive impacts.

c. Formulate solutions to complex environmental issues.

Critical Thinking

a. Evaluate information and apply advanced knowledge to recommend strategies that address environmental problems in the UAE.

b. Show critical appreciation and ability to link sustainability, natural sciences, social, cultural, and ethical issues in relation to environmental practices and management.


a. Prepare and effectively convey information and knowledge on environmental health and sustainability issues in a variety of formats.

b. To be able to effectively communicate with professionals, labor, industry and general public, and the media.

c. Synthesize information from multiple perspectives and reconcile a cohesive viewpoint that can be delivered to a variety of stakeholders.

Professionalism, Autonomy and Leadership

a. Work professionally and ethically across different sectors, disciplines and institutional levels.

b. Continuously examine and critically reflect on own practice and values and adjust them accordingly.


a. Design studies that apply appropriate quantitative tools and analytical methods to conduct research in environmental sciences and sustainability.

b. Continuously review recent developments and new knowledge to determine appropriate use of data for problem identification and resolution.

c. Evaluate the integrity and comparability of data used in environmental studies.


Orientation Seminar

At the beginning of the Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences program, students are required to attend an orientation seminar to introduce the University and its resources, the program and communication and virtual classroom software such as BlackBoard Learn and Collaborate, MS Outlook, Extranet, and Bannerweb.

Program Required Courses (26 Credit Hours)

ENV600 Environmental Sciences and Ecosystem Analysis
ENV601 Science Communication and Writing
ENV610 Sustainability Planning and Management
ENV615 Environmental Impact Assessment
ENV655 Liquid and Solid Waste Management
ENV690 Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Natural Sciences
ENV693 Contemporary Issues in Sustainability and Environmental Technology Seminar
ENV699 Thesis in Environmental Science and Sustainability

Prescribed Elective (10 Credit Hours Required)

ENV611 Renewable Resources and Mixed Energy in Sustainable Development
ENV620 Occupational Health and Safety
ENV625 Environmental Protection
ENV630 Advanced Environmental Policy
ENV650 Ecotoxicology
ENV656 Instrumentation and Analytical Methods in Environmental Sciences
ENV657 GIS Applications in Environmental Science
ENV660 Restoration Ecology
ENV665 Environmental Microbiology
ENV670 Coastal and Terrestrial and Environments
ENV695 Environmental Field Expedition

Program Delivery

Program Duration

The Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciencesprogram is delivered in English over 4 semesters at Zayed University located in Abu Dhabi.

Course Delivery Format

Face-to-face classes are generally scheduled in the evenings (6:00 PM - 9:00 PM). The laboratory sessions will also be offered face-to-face in the evenings.

For more information on the Master ofScience in Environment and Sustainability Sciences application deadline, start date and location for program delivery, please visit theKey Datessection of the website.


Courses in theMaster ofScience in Environment and Sustainability Sciences program are taught by select professors from the College of Natural and Health Sciences who are experts in their fields and possess diverse international research experience.

Knowledge gained during classes is further enhanced by sharing real-world experience with other students, guest lecturers, top professionals and leaders in the field of environmental management.

Program Cost

A total of 36 credit hours at AED 2,500 per credit hour (including text books and course materials)

For more information on theMaster ofScience in Environment and Sustainability Sciences program cost, paymentprocedure and financial support, please visit theAdmissions and Feessection of the website.


Students must complete all required courses in the approved program curriculum and achieve a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0.


College of Natural and Health Sciences

Zayed University

Abu Dhabi & Dubai

United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971-2-599-3605


ENV600 Environmental Sciences and Ecosystem Analysis (3 Credits)

This subject provides an advanced overview of the interactions between humans and the environment. Special emphasis will be placed on the chemistry and biology of environmental pollution. Examples of air, water, and land degradation will be studied using case histories. Understanding problems from an ecosystem wide perspective will be stressed.

ENV601 Science Communication and Writing (3 Credits)

This subject will introduce the fundamentals of scientific reading, scientific writing, visualizing science and how to communicate science effectively. The main aim is to assist students with the process of preparing the written proposal for their chosen MSc Thesis research topic. The course will examine strategies to explore, appraise and summarize key findings from published scientific literature. Students will expand their vocabulary and language skills required for scientific writing. They will learn ways in which language is used to conceptualize ideas, make comparisons, critique other work objectively, and propose new work. Various creative ways for visualizing methods, observations, data and results will be introduced. Different techniques helpful in orally communicating scientific rationale, goals, findings, caveats and recommendations will be discussed, in order to become better science communicators.

ENV610 Sustainability Planning and Management (3 Credits)

This subject provides foundational knowledge of the principles of sustainable development as a possible way to balance social equity, environmental sustainability and economic needs. This subject draws on numerous case studies from around the world to illustrate the complexity of sustainable development issues and their implicit trade-offs.

ENV611 Renewable Resources and Mixed Energy in Sustainable Development (3 Credits)

This subject will explore the role of clean and efficient renewable, non-renewable, and alternative resources of energy to meet demands for sustainable development, with focus on UAE. The subject will provide a detailed description on the latest principles behind renewable, non-renewable, and alternative energy technologies, pro’s and con’s and explore their sustainability and socio-economic impact. Topics include traditional fossil fuels transitions towards more efficient and low carbon emissions fuels, solar energy (thermal and photovoltaics), waste-to-energy, bioenergy, energy storage: hydrogen fuel cells versus batteries, grid integration, energy efficiency and sustainable energy efficient buildings. The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, exercises/ problems, demonstrations, round-table discussions and field visits solar park/sustainable city. Course material consists of a textbook, relevant reports and articles and lecture material provided by the teacher.

Pre-requisite: ENV610

ENV615 Environmental Impact Assessment (3 Credits)

This course is designed to introduce students to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and to provide theoretical and practical education in its role in decision making. The focus is on the rationale and methodology of integrated EIA, including consideration of the relevant biophysical, social, cultural, economic and human health aspects of development proposals, programs and policies. Included are aspects of tendering for and budgeting of EIA projects. Case studies will illustrate aspects of EIA in practice, and students will create an EIA based on a local proposed project or facility chosen by the students.

Pre-requisite: ENV600

ENV620 Occupational Health and Safety (3 Credits)

This subject will provide the knowledge to identify occupational health risks, and to maintain minimum safety regulations to prevent serious incidences and injuries in a workplace. Topics include safe work environments, workplace hazards, occupational hygiene, employee safety and security, hazard communication, ergonomics, stress management, ethical issues in occupational health and safety, worker disability management, and workplace assessment and evaluation. Field visits to various worksites will complement lectures and highlight comparative analysis to evaluate and assess safety practices in different work environments.

ENV625 Environmental Protection (3 Credits)

Student will acquire knowledge and understanding of world environmental issues, by focusing on the causes of the current state of the environment and the principles and remedies required for environmental protection. Students will learn and understand a range of environmental problems, ranging from local to global scales. Student will gain advanced skills in dealing with regional and local problems related to environmental degradation and pollution by detailed analysis of the basic components of the environment. Students can solve complex problems within the field by managing and implementing information technology and mitigation techniques related to environmental challenges. Students can independently use modern tools and promotion of environmental protection in a framework of sustainable consumption and production and sustainable society. When applying environmental and economic aspects of environmental protection, students learn to appreciate the need for effective decision-making in professional situations.

Pre-requisite: ENV615

ENV630 Advanced Environmental Policy (3 Credits)

This course will examine the policy making process in environmental policy in the United Arab Emirates and the global implications for that policy. Topics to be covered will include air and water policy, energy production and regulation, federal land policy, and problems associated with food security and agricultural production. This is a central class for graduate students focused on environmental and natural resources policy for the Middle East.

ENV650 Ecotoxicology (4 Credits)

This course has three components, (1) a Lecture component, (2) a Case Study component and (3) a small field survey of an environmental toxin. These components are described in more detail next. Lecture Component: This course will examine the nature, source, dispersal and fate of toxic substances released into the environment. Toxins included are organic, inorganic and radioactive toxins. Mechanisms of toxicity will be discussed at the cellular, individual, population and ecosystem level. Methods used to monitor for toxic agents and the risk the pose will also be covered. Case Studies Component: Approximately once every four weeks, the student will read an article from the primary literature. They will summarize it and discuss its applicability to the UAE with the class. Field Survey/ lab exercise Component: A small field sampling project will be done in conjunction with the lectures in which the student identifies a toxin of interest, plans and executes a sampling campaign to measure the spatial distribution of this toxin or its effect on a biological system.

ENV655 Liquid and Solid Waste Management (4 Credits)

This subject explores the main sources of a) liquid and b) solid waste generation and the methods of waste management. This course also covers the public health importance of proper Integrated municipal solid waste management System (ISWMS). Functional elements of solid and liquid waste management will be studied and their suitability in varying circ*mstances will be explored. The course includes a laboratory component and field trip with practical exercises that complement the lectures. For b), a detailed understanding regarding generation, pick up, material recovery, transport, and ultimate disposal options be developed. Currently available disposal technologies i.e. landfill & Incineration including WtE / EfW/ Gasification / vitrification etc. be critically examined for its suitability specific with reference to sustainability criteria & health concerns. Other special solid waste sectors be addressed including hazardous waste, Nuclear waste, plastic waste, e-waste, chemical waste, food waste etc.

Pre-requisite: ENV600

ENV656 Instrumentation and Analytical Methods in Environmental Sciences (4 Credits)

The course covers the latest and most common instrumentation and analytical tools used in environmental analysis and monitoring. The subject draws on knowledge of Chemistry, Biology, and Earth Sciences to explore instrumental techniques used in environmental monitoring and reduction of environmental hazards. Lecture topics cover electroanalytical chemistry (potentiometry, voltammetry), atomic spectroscopy (AAS, GF-AAS, and ICP-OES, ICP-MS), Molecular spectroscopy (UVVIS, IR, fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy), separation methods (GC, LC, HPLC), and mass spectrometry. Materials characterization techniques (XRD, SEM). Practical laboratory exercises complement the lecture material.

Pre-requisite: Undergraduate General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry

ENV657 GIS Applications in Environmental Science (3 Credits)

This subject provides students with a foundation in the science and technology of geographical information systems (GIS) and their application to environmental studies. GIS science focuses on ways to describe and represent geographical phenomena and explain geographical patterns and processes. GIS technology focuses on data modelling, databases, map visualization and web applications. The subject provides GIS skills that can be applied in a wide range of areas, including ecology, conservation science, environmental management, planning, geography, and the earth sciences and provides laboratory sessions for students to apply GIS to solve practical real-world problems.

Pre-requisite: ENV600

ENV660 Restoration Ecology (4 Credits)

This subject addresses the theory and practice of ecological restoration with a focus on the desert and coastal environments found in the Arabian Peninsula. Topics include landscape processes, connectivity, baselines, biological re-introductions, vegetation techniques, restoration evaluation and monitoring. The lectures will be complemented with laboratory exercises and a field trip.

Pre-requisite: ENV600

ENV665 Environmental Microbiology (4 Credits)

This course explores how microorganisms grow and their role in shaping biogeochemical processes and organic contaminant degradation. The subject will explore some of the most important concepts in microbiology and methods of waste management that apply this knowledge. The subject will introduce molecular methods used to study microorganisms, and address current technologies and processes involved in managing waste using microorganisms. The increasingly common antibiotic resistance in bacteria and its public health implications will also be addressed. The subject includes a laboratory component and field trip with practical exercises that complement the lectures.

ENV670 Coastal and Terrestrial and Environments (4 Credits)

This course introduces advanced level study of earth surface processes responsible for shaping and influencing the characteristics of terrestrial and coastal environments. Elements of geomorphology, pedology and hydrology will be taught and combined to understand the development of natural landscapes and their main attributes. A wide variety of examples and illustrations will be drawn from different environmental regimes around the world, but with a special focus on tropical regimes and the UAE. Desert landscapes, floodplains, wadis, mountains, coral reefs and mangrove forests are examples of topics covered in this course. The course will also present contemporary challenges leading to environmental change and possible environmental degradation. Important components of the course will be practical work, both in the classroom and outdoors on occasion. The course includes two mandatory full day field trips, one to a local desert ecosystem and one to a local coastal ecosystem (e.g. sabkha-, mangrove-, seagrass- or coral reef). The field trips will include active field measurements using various types of field equipment and results will be reported in the form of field reports.

Pre-requisite: ENV600

ENV690 Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Natural Sciences (3 Credits)

This subject provides students with an understanding of basic statistical concepts critical to the proper use and understanding of statistics in natural and conservation science and prepares students for subsequent courses in environmental science with a practical research component. The subject covers foundational concepts in statistical modeling/analysis and methodology applied in field environmental and ecological studies. The focus is on defining statistical models and analytical tools, as well as basic study design concepts dealing with practical issues associated with real-world study designs.

ENV693 Contemporary Issues in Sustainability and Environmental Technology Seminar (1 Credit)

This course provides the students with the essential skills to collect, collate, and analyze data and make inferences on a selected/given topic related to Environment and Sustainability at all scales from local to global. Examples of topics are high consumerism, limited natural availability, waste of these limited natural resources, resource scarcity, damage, green science and technology, and other contemporary concerns and how they relate to sustainability.

Pre-requisite: ENV610

ENV695 Environmental Field Expedition (3 Credits)

This is a field-based expeditionary module, specifically tailored for master’s level, at the intersection of Environmental Science, Physical Geography and Environmental Sustainability. The course begins with preparatory briefing sessions in the classroom but concentrates mainly on field studies where hands-on skills are taught. In non-formal outdoors settings, students will learn field techniques needed to investigate a broad range of earth-surface processes that operate across a range of environmental types (e.g. deserts, mountains, rivers, coasts). Group and individual tasks are embedded in course. Students will develop new skills by employing a range of tools, equipment and instrumentation in exciting (and often spectacular) field locations. Emphasis will be placed on how to sample in the field and to collect robust environmental measurements. Methods will include, amongst others: mapping, basic surveying, research photography, soil profiling, sedimentology, slope measurement, field water quality assessment, habitat identification, field geology and geomorphology, weather and climate observation, and fluvial/ hydrological measurement. Practice with specially purchased field equipment will be fun and lively. Teamwork will promote leadership, independence, confidence and camaraderie in the field. Post-expedition, students will also learn advanced methods of field data display and analysis, and how to make meaningful interpretation of results through writing field reports and delivering oral presentations on their environmental findings.

ENV699 Thesis in Environmental Science and Sustainability (6 Credits)

This is an individual project that comprises a substantive, original research program carried out by the student. The research must be aligned with the program and therefore the chosen topic should address some area of Environmental Science and Sustainability. The student is completely responsible for the work presented in the thesis, which will be examined by two examiners (1 internal and 1 external). The unique topic of the project will be developed during the student’s first semester of enrolment in the MSc program. The topic proposed by the student will be discussed and finalized in consultation with a Thesis Supervisory Committee (TSC) comprising three faculty members - the ZU internal main thesis supervisor and co-supervisor, and an external co-supervisor from a reputable outside academic institution (either domestic or international). The individual faculty members comprising the TSC will depend and be decided by the MSc program coordinator according to the expertise required to supervise the specific project successfully (e.g. expertise required in environmental biology, environmental chemistry, environmental geoscience, environmental policy, environmental management, etc.). The supervisory team will have a continuous mentoring role with the student throughout the entire 4 semester master’s program. The research work (fieldwork, experiments, analysis) and thesis writing will take place in the final two semesters of the program (Semesters 3 and 4).

Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences  - Zayed University (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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