Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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18 NOTICES 1 I Tippecanoe Lodge No 49t I A LOST AND OUND INSTRUCTIONS The International Correa i SERVICES OERED Phone rice titii CARPENTER WORK NEW AND OLD A Clark Phone 71042 Lee and Claud's ifth and South Sts HAULING A8HES AND TRASH light hauling lawn mowing hedge trimming Prompt eervlce Call 7473 LOST OR BLACK co*ckER spaniel dog Long rope attached to collar Phone 44414 Ovt eT town Ada moat he aooom nled by full payment for came unless epactal armament thia rale be COLORS AND SOTNESS ARE RE nawed tn rags cleaned With Etna oam Rug Shop PAINTING AND floor finishing Phone 4021 PIANO' TUNING AND REPAIRING Eat I mi tee free Karl Bartenbach 1001 Wells at Lafayette Phene ASHES AND RUBBISH HAULING Also cinders for sale Phone 470 PAINTING AND PAPERH ANQING Harris Decorating Service Phone 44217 LOOR RECONDITIONING BANDING reflntshlng cleaning and wasing Bob and Harry Phono 1103 KARL BARTENBACH PIANO TUN ins and retiring Phono 420 Eti mates free 1001 Wells 8t Lafayette OUR MONTHS OLD BROWN co*cker puppy white on nose and chest: paL Name Tony Call 64242 OLDER CONTAINING WA bash railroad pass and liensa Send to address in folder or csll 41411 ISHING TACKLE 7 WANTED CASH OR REELS RODS' ETC CATT BOWEN 4011 OR 04404 Alt work rnaranteod No RAY LIVELY TREES TRIMMED topped or removed Satisfaction guar anteed 120 Greenbush Phone 74441 DOWNTOWN THURSDAY SUN glasses Write LoWell Martin Win gate lnL 1 PUBLIC ICE CREAM SOCIAL JUNE 24th to :30 nu Educational Bldg of the irst Baptist church 7th and North St Price 14 cents BLACK PURSE AT Knob Hill speedway Sunday June 23 inder may keep money but return purse Jean Kerkhoft Lafayette 10 NAVY BLUE "LET glove Reward 92 2181 War ren OR: CRUSHED STONE GRAVEL eand cinders and rubblab hauling call 4414 or 44442 HAULING 1 ASHES TRASH PICK UP ft cm stores etc Prompt reasonable Gt with GI trucks: Phono 324 11 WEEKS OLD TAN COLLIE puppy with co*cker spaniel ears If fnund please call 41473 after 4 Reward WALLPAPER CLEANING WALL and woodwork washing Hart Phone 8197 Lj SEWING MACHINE AND VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS Genuine parts used on all Singer machines ree estimates made in homes All' work guaranteed SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 529 MAIN PHONE 6925 WEDDING' INVITATIONS Printed or latest styles fast set vice Other good printing' at painless oriraa Kano's Print Shop 401 29th Phon 4304 Tippecanoe Chapter Order of DeMolay Stated Meeting June 26 147 7:30 Refreshments WATNE HOWELL 1 GOODHART Scribe' 4 ELECTRIC REPAIRED NEW HEATERS OR SALE Thio eewsoapert reaervee the right to classify Ads according to Its own rdTbo and ragalationa Clajwifled Ads run tn all Edition' Ad copy must be tn thia office not later than a on dateuot first publication In ease of error advertiser must make correction before eeoond inser tion All classified accounts pay able at Journal and Courier office' withln ten day titter last insertion a' PHONE 4011 3 DAY RADIO SERVICE lab too big er too email Celled for end de livered Lehnen Radio Sales and Ser 4444 or Called Meeting Master Mason Degree: Thursday June 24th 7:00 rJ MATHEWS 31 GLEN NOTHDURT 8ecy Working lunches served dail from 11 A to 6 Dinners from 6 to 2 AM Coffee Shop 2nd and South Sts 1" ormerly ''the forins from Maple Point 1 pondence Schools of Scran ton Penn Ara now offering over 400 Home Study Courses "GT "'approved or particulars write Box 403 Lafayette Indn and the local representative will call on you New Location 110 Sth St Phone 4375 WE SELL MAZDA LAMPS 5 GALLONS ETHYL $110 Journal and Courier Classified Ad Rates a word for one day a word for each additional to run consecutively: no one time Ad published for less than 50c When an ad Is run two or more consecutive day the totol cost must average at least 30c per day Card of Thanks er "In Momoriun 41be tor 49 words or Issa over 34 words At' journ al And HELP WANTED EMALE ROOMS OR RENI HOUSEHOLD GOODS THE ASHION I SEARS ROEBUCK HELP EITHER SEX I URNITURE STORE 2 Phone 3495 BED OUTIT SITUATIONS WANTED PROMMER BROS OR RENT loor Sanding Equipment HOUSEHOLD GOODS A ROOMS OR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OR SALE 4 tv 5 TTERE is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every Al day It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune Phone TWO 4A APPLY TO PURDUE UNION CAETERIA Three quarter size bed spring and innerspring mattress All for only 350 EAGLE URNITURE CO West Side Business Man will pay one year's rent in advance for 4 to 6 room house or apart ment by Sept 1st for 3 adults Prefer West Sider but will con sider East Side All replies kept strictly confidential Write 78 journal and Courier WANTED SMALL APT IN QUIET neighborhood furnished or Unfurnish ed Will occupy immediately or fell Have no children or vets Please write or call Sam Broiler 34 Northwestern Phone 4047 Highest cash price paid for good used furniture 'Z A CC KLEMME COOLEY HARDWARE Earl Park Indiana A "iu A Experienced itter And Seamstress APPLY SMITH CORONA TYPEWRITERS 1 ADDING MACHINES i PORTABLES gunkle 1 825 MAIN STREET APPLY PURDUE UNION CAETERIA' ONE 14 MULLINS BOAT OOM piste wlth 22 hn a Evinrade nuator Windshteld eteerlnr wheel and running light Excellent condition! Phone 4734 between 10 a and 4 n' VISIT OUR LIGHTING IXTURE DISPLAY BEORE YOU BUY! 'We carry a complete stock WOLE VER ELECTRIC CO 642 Main St WANTED Women or men for dish washing Wednesday Wanted Lady between 20 and 35 years of age for work in our Catalogue: Sales De partment) 'Would prefer lady with retail sales experience Howeverthis is'not an abso lute requirement Apply at ROBERT COOK Painter and Decorator Paper Hanging Paper: Removing Wall Wallpaper Cleaning PHONE 83242 1522 South Eighteenth street ORD JEEPS ENGINES 514750 5 ft Blue Star Auto Store 628 MMn' Street Br Klinker Sales HOOVES RECONDITIONED WITH year'e guarantee 42240 408 DETECTO BABY SCALE LAY PEN OR LIVING ROOM URNI ture Sofa and chair floor lamp tut back chair with ottoman xl rug end table Excellent condition 723 Allen St Lafayettq Phone 44344 NEW 7 parts bins Internationa! Harvester de sign coatsagray paint ft dow bles Call John Benson 2244 WANTED Men or women to cook Keep cool this summer with one of ourelectric fans Desk pedestal ventilating oscillat ing or nonoscillating 45 f' i 11 fa is' Brelsfofd 5 Electric Shop 213 State West Lafayette 1 'PHONE 5952 GOL CLUBS Woods irons gloves single wooda golf carts single Irons golf bags Buy on convenient terms Sports Dept Par due Shoe Store West Lafayette SERVICE DEPT CALL 5061 URNISHED OR UNURNISHED house or apartment Phone 4748 after 8 pm a (j 2 8 5 2 Jl BICYCLES have stock Behwtnn Liberty Columbia Dayton Huffman Rollfast and Headmaster! Bikes Tires parts and accessories also inew Tricycles ana veiocipeaes MubauDt'a 209r211 ifth St OR RENT LARGE BUSINESS room or garage lit Columbia Call 4228 I CHROMEOR WOOD SEATING i I or RESTAURANTS BAKS OICES SHOVOO New Mattresses SINGLE ROOM OR GENTLEMAN Phone 38743 Jackson Mattress and I Company a Custom built mattresses Beds urniture 1 72X MAIN 'LAAYETTE IND BUSINESS MAN TO ''SHARE LARGE sleeping room with twln' beds Avail able after July 2 Good location jtNear bus line Phone 2837 827 Main St IVE PIECE OAK BREAKAST a real 'bargain Herman Otterbein Phone 468 Refrigeration Sales and Service Phone '4203 1000 Main St RIGID AIRE COMMERCIAL DEALERS A OR SALE TWO OAR 1 INSULATED garage Red wood siding Makes jyood small hom*o or club house Call GOOD MAYTAG TWIN tubs glider chrome breakfast set' end table': lamps lovely folding screen 1 step ladders oil stoves silverware large wood utility cabinet 310: chest of drawers metal' bed and spring 41650: Marge electric heater 4500 Dosens of other bargains 10 South 6th OR SALE 4 Power lawn mowers 20 inch cutChain drive w'ism ng wtiLJL 'f BOOKKEEPERS STENOGRAPHERS typists and bookkeeping machine op erators Apply Miss Darr'' Executive Bldg Puraue university 30 inch folding cot spring and mattress 'Complete for only 39 inchftoUaway Bed Complete with mattress Ppiy $3490 i 3 Montgomerw Ward? carpenter overalls" Regular $498 now only Sizes 38 to 44 Here Now Complete Line Of genuine new repair parts for all Montgomery Ward Appliances Washing "Machines 'v Refrigerators Vacuum Cleaners Radios and Many Others I Be Safe! Let a' Ward trained techniciah service your Ward 7 appliances 5 Phoneber 4 2 6'3 7 2 6 4 8 2 6 5 4 V4 I 3 7 Ik I I TIPPECANOE UPHOLSTERING 1010 Main Phone 8333 URNISHED CABIN OR RENT fr Portable bsby swing Cair 88102 muss norm on 44 Miners service sUtlon a All Steel Wf "tf1 TRICYCLES $939 to $1749 GUARANTEE TIRE AND rubber co 532 SL Phone 3388 ii Count the letters in your first name If the number of letters is 6 of 4 mpre subtract 4 If the number is less than 6 add 3 The result is your key number? Start at ttje upper left hand corner of the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers left to right Thea read the message the letters under the checked figures give you i Copyright 14T by wiuum Mliur Distributed by King restores inci Plenty 'of sugar Retired ham bacon beer quarters Beefsteak 55c per lbr ECKHART'Buck Creek Open' 2 8 rORSALE A Jp '4' 6H 8 10 ft meat cases 1 20 30 50 Cubic Reach in 'f Walk in Boxes 20 40 Case Dry Beer Coolers Glass top 20 Cubic 'rozen ood Case Ice Cream Cabinet 1 10 ft ruit or IJairy Case open Water Coolers Cubic t' Home 13 Cubic Home reezers' Cubic Home reezers Several used reach in boxesJ and coils all sizes Low' temperature 1 insulation for sale "t' rtihfc Mn Ire rtf Gilbarco Oil Burners '1 Locker Plants Built A CALL OR WRITE BEAUTYOPERATOR' Beauty! with experience and following preferred in an es tablished shop' Guaranteed salary and excellent opportunity for right girl 4 Write 'Box 69 Journal 'and vouner UPRIGHT 'KALAMAZOO kitchen range Lot for sale 3 room building Charles Stoker Brookston OR ONE PAINT spray equipment including two spray guns Elbert lynn Brook Ind Call J4 J'" x' I OR SMALL GAS STOVE ODD PIECES dishes including coffee tea pots Suit f' TWO PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE for cottage txl2 rag baby bed: reed baby buggy All In good con dition 1 Phone 7842 CHAIRS SETTEES STOOLS Etc On Display In Our Showroom a OR SALE TWO USED American Radiator Co Ideal Red lash Boilers Rated for 200 sq ft Steam or 320 sq ft Water Suitable for ive or Six Room House See Loren Brower 521 Main Phone 2300 HASSOCKS All floor sample hassocks re duced pij price Originally sold for $595 up Now $300 up oster urniture Co ifth and Main Streets ROOM AND BOARD PHONE 65882 APARTMENTS OR RENT' UNUSUAL BARGAINS i One pair lOOi golf ahoea 3S50: one natr alze II bowling" ehoea 4380: one pair 10D new Army shoes 4498: Ji sweaters 50o each: good ties 16o each oxfords 8180 pair: sport shirts 50o each: OD1 shirts 4150 eachr OD trousers 42 50 pair: shirts siss 14 60c each: new tuxedos 82250 dou ble breasted) one tux ehlrt else 1444 A 8150: excellent cults sixes 34 tb 41 8805 each BLEVINS USED CLOTHING" 408 erry BL Phone 2471 rTENOGRAPHER AGES 18 to SO Single 40 hours 6 day working week' Excellent working conditions Vacation with pay Phone 6777 or 4831 for appointment MIDDLE AGED RELIABLE WOMAN for housekeeping in modern country hom*o for man and ten year old daugh ter Permanent home tf suitable: Write Box 71 Journal and Courier YOUNG WOMAN i WISH ing position os secretary Experience nut necessary as ability 1 and person ality Knowledge of shorthand is re quired Apply Consolidated Industries Inc 51 by pass i Montgomery Weird: i' iRi WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE EXEC utlve House or unfurnished apart ment forfour East West Lafayette or KokomoMYoungest girl 11 Will keep in good condition Mr Truitt 61318 after 8 Before 7:40 a WISH TO EXCHANGE RENTAL four room house in Indianapolis 'for a four to five room house unfurnished in Lafayette Write Huser 1327 Edgemont Indianapolis Phone High land 0308 Indianapolis or Lafayette 92 2261 ELECTRIC STOVE WASHING machine" two maple bedroom suites maple living room suite and extra Chairs oak breakfast set Other items All used leae than six months A con dition Will" eell at auction Thursday June 28 five miles north on route 25 Lee Gentry Can be seen any time I I 8 piece Mahogany DuncafR Phyfe Dining Room Suite 149 Double Door Glass Bookcase 7 HOME URNITURE '7 North Third 'St 4 Across from Sears Roebuck PARTY TO CLEAN' WEST Side Beauty Shop on! week ends In quire 130 Northwestern 'Phone 4871 WAITER OR WAITRESS for night Apply in person Weir's Hamburger Inn 11 Main SHORT ORDER AND GRILL COOK Nites Experienced preferred Trans portation furnished Cresses' Curb Serv ice by pass north of McCarty Lane BOYS 16 OR OVER GIRLS 18 OR over for curb work Nights: Trans portation furnished Cresses Curb Serv ice by pass north of McCarty Lane YOU WHO WANT Steam and hot water boilers for heat homes now In stock Boilers are hand fired stokers and: oil burners Automatio Water Heaters Sinks and Cabinets Soil pipes and fittings and other plumbing and heating materials' Sea or call 524 Ninth Phone 3978 NEW DUAL DEXTER WASHING MA chine Phone 5795 2001 Meharry nt A1 JB' 8 TWO RIDING HORSES: 193 PONTIAC coupe: household furnlturs 2803 Earl Ave GOOP AS NEW HOT PLATE WHITE Home Comfort1 coaj wood range Ot 707 MAIN ST HOME APPLIANCES REPAIR SERVICE 1 Coll Springs 51295 up' Lafayette urniture House" 14 3rd SL Ph' 5991 AMILY THREE NEED UNUR nlshed house or apartment" Perma nent resident Call 46333 URNISHED APARTMENT OR HOUSE by September for Naval offlcer and wife'': CallMrs Dennett after 8 92 2201 URNISHED OR UNURNISHED apartment or house for married cou ple Phone 4085 Haywood Publishing Company 3 ROOM UNURNISHED APARTMENT by Sept 1 for college student and wifs Write a Box 84 Journal and Courier 8 VETERAN AND WIE 1 urgently need apartment with kitch en "No children ror peta Permanent Call Mr Staley 5187 SMALL APARTMENT WANTED' BY sophom*ore veteran student wife Going to summer school Write Box 79 Journal and Courier OR NEW 40' GALLON AIR banks electrio 'water heater' 8125 Pine Village: phone 2 st Ar ba Brutus LUMBER NEW SOUTHERN DRE88 ed all eidea sheeting and dimensional 8 to 10 cents ft Phone 56422 TOUR TOP AUTO LUGGAGE RACK 10 vacuum cups canvas cover A condition 330 Connolly 'St West? La fayette i Philco Deep reezer Radios Lawn Chairs Linoleum Sana Wall Prem ie Cleaners Gas Range Pressure Cookers Canneirs in stock' CLARKS HILL 'Montgomery Wdrd And Co SUMMER COTTAGES OR COTTAGE ON TIPPE canoe rlver lnaulre 616 Park Ave i WILL RENT 6 ROOMS AND BATH furnished to two refined couples Write Box 78 Battle Ground Ind" 2 5 74 2' ft 8 2 4 '3 2 8 7 6 6 2 7 4 6 5 2 I DS 'B''E Eo S' 8 2 4 16 2 8 4 7 6 5 QUIET PURDUE STUDENT AND working wife desire furnished apart ment on west Side No smoking drink ing children or pets Call Gwen Clay 35023 after 5:00 or 92 2272 between 8:00 and 4:30 18 YEAR OLD HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work on farm Limited experi ence Phone 68494 MISCELLANEOUS OR RENT'" 8 Nicholas Brookston Phone 474 st BROODER hard JcoaL stove Never been used Don Baker mile north mlie east Monitor SEAMSTRESS SEWING MACHINE Excellent condition Call 2883 DAVENPORT AND CHAIR 810 BED and springs 233 14 South 4th 4 SIMMONS SINGLE BED AND SPRINGS 4800 218 North St IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Kelvinator reezers 5 year guarantee' 30000 and 45000 grain water softeners Gas and oil water heaters Gas ranges 4 Small radios and combina "tiohs Ecko pressure cookers Betty Crocker electric irons and' steam irotfs Electric? clocks and alarm clocks Small apartment washers' Record players Washer parts and wringer rolls for all makes Ji Parts and service on radio washers vacuum cleaners refrigerators and small appli ances? vs OR 9xl2 WOOL WILTON rug and pad Call at 2704 South OR BABY BED "MATTREBB and uprlngx 1424 Morton St OR TWO LAUN dty tuba 310 Call 66960 OR LARGE SIZE LEATHER tte folding baby buggy Call 76083 GOOD USED VACUUM CLEANERS Eureka Royal and other 81500 up Call 8069 1947 BEA BEE OUTBOARD MOTOR hp Phone 4387 1 NEW 1947 CLINTON MOTOR SCOOT er H4 hp iPhone 4287 ONE PAIR BINOCULARS 6x34 GOODcondition Phone 83172 WHITE GOLD WATCH WHITE EN amel wall clock Phone 6401 75 LB 'METAL ICE BOX' CALL AT 2026 Perrine St after I OR TRUMPET A CONDI tion Boye" bicycle 114 9th St GOOD BRIGGS STRATTON HP motor Dayton Shell station DOUBLE IN A DOOR BED AND MAT tress 9xl2 rug Phone 66262" WINDOW SCREENS MADE TO OR der Call 7004 BIG WESTERN SADDLE OR SALE 34 Romig URNISHED APARTMENT OR OC cupancyis in September: Purdue stu dent and wife" who works No children or pets Call Hostetlerx6700 YOUNG WORKING COUPLE DESIRES 'unfurnished three or four room apart ment or house No pets or children Call 36602 before 7:30 a EX GI DOCTOR TAKING TRAINING at local hospital needs apartment for wife and twin babies for one year Write Box 80 Journal and Courier WILL PAY AT ONCE OR SMALL furnished apartment for fall semes ter Quiet diobor responsible year round: student "couple No children or peta Write Seneca 1 24 Purduo UNURNISHED? HOUSE OR APART ment with four to six rooms Three adults tn family 'Will pay rent in ad vance Write Box Journal and Courier UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR VETER an and wife desire unfurnished apart ment or house on or before September 1st No children or pets Write Box 72 Journal and Courier 1 4 1 I BY AUGUST 18 OR ONE YEAR 3 or 3 room furnished apartment for Purdue student and employed wife No children or pets Local references Ad vanced rent 2549 after 6 Bill Mason SINGLE BED NEW SPRINGS AND mattress Cail after 5:30 2212 Mo non Ave DARK OAK DINING ROOM SUITE will sell pieces separately Phone 7075 COMPLETE INNERSPRING BED OUT flt :430 Old Binger sewing machine sews good? 815 Play pen 8600 Court prefabricated 85 State St West Lafayette 4 ONE TAPESTRY COVERED PULLMAN sofa 8260 value for 8150 breakfast set (oak) two leaf table and four chairs red leather cushions excellent condition Call 83082 after 5 p4 SWINGS 'METAL GLI ders porch swings lawn chairs ice boxes oil ranges bicycles wheel chair lavatory bathroom scales ironing board play baby beds high chairs lawn mowers porch blinds gas plates radios vlctrolaa "mantel clocks electric hot plates ward robes: 10 ft step laddera Sims urniture 409 Union IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A A ment sire stoves for natural and bot tled ns electrio ranges: washing ma chines with electric and gasoline mo tor: automation washing tnach Ines oil burning space neater: power driven lawn mower both electric and gaso line Stromberg Carlson and Westing house radios: electric food mixer elec tric fan: ga and oil hot water heat ers 75i cu ft electrfo refrigerator: farm and horn freezeri Re frigeration 'Co 128 North Perry St Attica Ind ICE BOXES Lawn mowers bicyclea Sima urni ture 409 Union JOHNSTON BOX CHOCOLATES 8109 PER POUND UP ACROSS ROM PURDUE BANK KANDY KORNER ENGAGEMENT RING New excellent quality diamond "half of cost for quick sale only 860 Phone 08494 OR SALE 24 EXTENSION LADDER CALL 341814 OR 50 LB ICE BOX GOOD condition 45124 MAN'S ENGLISH THREE SPEED Bi cycle 28 lnch good condition 450 Phone 92 2287w uy? ex USED CLOSET COMPLETE BOWL eeat and tank 7 Cheap Phone 76724 37 University 8t OR? 18MM GERMAN AGA movie camera Excellent condition 475 call 31923 1 OR SALE ONE JAEGER CEMENT mixer with Stover gw engine Excel lent condltloniPhone 46023 after 4:30 STARR UPRIGHT PIANO UNUSUAL ly fine condition Will accept highest cash offer this week 218 North St ROOMS OR BOYS AT 123 WALDRON West Lafayette1 SLEEPING ROOM OR GENTLEMEN 1423 Virginia St SLEEPING ROOM ONE BLOCK ROM bus 137 South 31st SLEEPING ROOM MAN AND WIE preferred GENTLEMEN TO SHAR SINGLE bed in double room hone 61474 after 400 LARGE AIRY ROOM PRIVATE EN trance couple preferred 604 South 15th St MODERN ROOM OR TWO men Private phone and "entrance Phone 81833 LARGS' SLEEPING rROOM TWIN 'beds Gentlemen preferred 611 New York Street 1 ROOM OR 'RENT GIRL OR WORK Ing couple preferred 'Ona block from bus line Phone 31134 WANT (WORKING GIRL TO SHARE room with cooking privileges Call between 3 5 tn Phone 7418 ROOM IN GARAGE "Business man preferred Write Box 86 Journal and Courier a BOY 15 WANTS "ULL OR PART ttme work Call 35051 WANT WASHINGS TO DO CALL 7819 or bring to 105 Owen Street" PURDUE STUDENT DESIRES PART time work for summer Call 45553: GIRL WANTS PART TIME HOUSE work and care of children Phone 86981 WOULD LIKE TO BOARD A BITTLE girl age 3 to 5 years In my home Jy the week Phone 36462 OR SALE UPSOM' BOARD Various Sizes Perlman Junk 'I UjTu 3955 1 SERV'ICJ 3 OEJREO TREE AND SHRUBBERY TRIMMED topped and removed Phone KeUey 6195L a MORRIS COVE ON LAKE REEMAN Cottage for rent week of June 88 to June 28 Eight miles out of1 Delphi one mile west' Everything" furnished except bedding 419 Harrison StWest Lafayette Phone 7820 COOKING COTTAGES' OR RENT ON Lake reeman by the week some choice 1 week open Electricity gas and cooking utensil furnished 1 or particulars call or write Twin Pines Camp 8 Monticello mile northwest of Oakdale Dam Phone Yeoman 27211 A' BUSINESS OICES 4x5 AND PRESS CAMERA WITH coated lens and 4x5 enlarger com plete Phone 81261 OR 28 INCH BICYCLE 1946 model good condition Phone 56752 after 1 OR SMALL ICE' feOX GOOD condition: oil drums and stands fruit cabinet Phone 61101 II HP EVINRUDE "8100: 83 Hp needs 1 a little work" Make an offer Thayer's garage j107 i Chauncey West Lafayette THE THRIT CLOTHES SHOP HAS reasonable play clothes for the whole family Como in and select your vaca tion wardrobe 624 erry St OR SALE ELECTRIC DELAVAL cream separator Jr 4 Good a new 1 mile "east of Archervllle Buck Creek phone :18 13 John Gunkle SPECIAL SALE GOL CLUBS AND Sm A a i A dM 4 A A 3i I1UI1Q O141A1W WMO SM sets 8550 and up Special lot of woods at Public Golt Cour Highway 3 53 and Lindberg Road NICE CLEAN OVERSTUED DAVEN port ana cnair nearly new all wool dubonnet 9x13 broadloom rug 2 burn er electric hot plate with grill 407 South 31st after 4 evening rr GOOD PHILCO RADIO OR 1933 1934 ord 815 feed grinder with hp motor 415 hp Century motor 885 'weed burner 412: bicycle no tire il four oak door suitable for garage 418 1616 15th vrD i i wnr iectric motor Also one ued hp half price' 1 3 repulsion induction 83150 Afrithp 83750 and hp 85X80 Phone 0 173 Leslie Howard" Veedersburg' (Sterling) Ind SERVICES OERED Basem*nts a specialty Grading and filling ill gravel' fill dirt top dirt gravel sand and cinders for sale Roads and lanes built Herb Vanderveen Rhone 6839 OR SALE ESTATE COAL AND wood range Excellent condition Paul Booker Romney LIVING ROOM SUITE' BED ROOM ttgU 826 outh OR ELECTRIC MIXER WITH at two sots' of beater condi tlon Phone 55452 MUST? SELL 'WALNUT DINING TA ble and six chairs Studio couch Rummage 803 North 4 SINGLE BED COMPLETE WITH double coll spring and mattress 811 New York St Phone 75704 TWIN BEDS ROM EXCEL lent condition 4 Bed mat tresses all for only 8126 19 8th PRACTICALLY NEW GENERALElectric iron two old coverlets: small walnut chest of drawers Phone 45733 fe TWIN TUBS SOLID WALNUT BED room suite tudy table other item Call at 719 Allen West Lafay ette 5tol HOLLYWOOD BED" MAPLE 7 and dresser living room suite 9x12 all wool rug Thia Otterbein phone 89 1 1 if A rn rn rt tX A XJ XU 1 ft VAninfT 1 IXT7 4 A i 'Z' CTXLANEOUS OR RAOS COLDSPOT RERIGERATOR 4 Condition M1A rsnsnnahla 4 $20 1 I' '3 k4 3 Ta 1 OR TUTOR ALL ages call 41893 May Thomas 307 Cincinnati WE HAUL ASHES TRASH AND DIRT for till and cinder for drive ways Rueemugto Phone 84714 CAPABLE GIRL WILL CARE OR children week day and evening Phone 31 HAULING ASHES AND TRASH ALSO: light hauling lawn mowing and trim minx Prompt eervlce Phone 7478 HAND MADE STATUETTES flO ANY type made to order Also rag or elay dolla Baby clothee a specialty Phone 8758 ELECTRIC SINGER SEWING MA ehtna New cabinet new new motor King Machine Co 1109 8 14th WASHING MACHINS REPAIRING New wringer roll and part for all makea Galloway Electric 121 North 8th St Phone 5788 HEW TRUCK WITH 8 YARD DUMP bed ready to haul our gravel sand ind renacsl hauling Cinder and roada vol for eala Phone 48584' CLOGGED SEWERS THOROUGHLY the modern method Kxclulv genuine Roto Rooter representative in Lfvott ree oatlmatoa Phone 5894 GIVE A LADY AMERICA HOME De monstration party and get from 8500 to 81800 Jn free merchandlea or in formation phone 75526 or write Box 851 wil SPECIALIZE IN GLASS RIB placement" servica Quick dependable service kt reasonable price Mirror te 1Ivrd Wauthlor Qla Shop 413 North Third St Phone 7949 WASHING MACHINE SERVICE White wringer rolla Part for all washer and aweepera Radio repair Phone 7078 387 South St Beachy Appliance Shop PIANO aUNINQ PROMPT SERVICE Dependable repairing Reasonable orirea Go anywhera tob loo big toe small Arlie Bolerjack" Phone 81884 Reconditioned ptanoa Beelay Piano Clinic 510 Park Ava Lafayetta T'LOOR $1500 ttefiniahing beat quality Phono 6172 PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING Phone HARRY ARNOLD PAINTING Wall washing and wallpaper' cleaning Phone 2609 BLACK DIRT Also gravel sand cinders and general hauling Call 45333 or 83923 LAWN MOWERS vharnened and repaired Called tor and delivered Ideal Repair Shop 219 8th St Phon 6227 Pearl Restringing Oa Nylon Cord CHUPP JEWELRT CO 41 4th st opposite Loeb Annas We sell Cteapa and Cord CARPENTER WORK Repair work brick laying block lay ing Call 81183 PAINTING wanted by high school senior Good work Experienced Reasonable Phone Smith 7900 ASHES AND TRASH Hauling Reasonable 64S9 Sewing machines 4 repaired Genuine parts used on ALL makes Work guar anteed Estimates Call 66175 King Machine Co 1509 14th CLEANING Cea pool septic tank and vault Modern equipment used All work guaranteed Prices reason bl a Phone 7521 Smith PAINTING Brush or pray Interior and exterior ree estimates Twenty years experi ence loyd Andrews PhonaoiOTnr WELL DRILLING MODERN DRILLING EQUIPMENT DlLDEN bros DAYTON INDIANA LAP PHONES 45884 AND 51219 77 PAINTING AND DECORATING AND DECORATORS Paper hanging floor reflnishtng wall washing paper removing 1329 CENTRAL ST PHONE 81844 THE IX IT SHOP Lawn Mower Grinding Household Appliance Repair Motor Bikes and Bicycles Repaired 17 Eleventh Street Phone 5997 IMt blocks south off Main on 11th PHONE 2875 We specialize in Ladies' and Chil shoe repairing We call for and delive at no extra charge THE RELIABLE SHOE SHOP 223 Main St HERB SIMS Jewel er WATCH REPAIR WATCHES DIAMONDS WE BUY 20 THIRD STREET Rugs Cleaned ShampO4ed in "your home Also furniture cleaned Phone 41233 Harold RUG AND URNITURE CLEANERS 'Trojan Rug Vator Co New address: 925 Robinson St Ph 3298 MARTIN'S Plumbing Repairing New and Used ixtures PHONE 4819 loor Sinders loor "Vaxers Steam Paper Removers OR RENT HARRIS BROS 1 Main St1 Phone 6021 PAINTING Interior Exterior WALLIS YORK PHONE 4234 SPECIALIZING IN'INK WATCH REPAIRING ROBERT SMILEY Jeweler: i CREDIT WITH A SMILE Phone 6798 646 Main St 1'' rr: journey of 'a thousand miles must start with' just one step By the same token a well es tablished business must body trust honesty a friendship iM Take a step and meet us? Phone 46881 11 'V NOTICE "PAINTING 'T EAST SIDE DECORATORS I 44 Are accepting jobs for 1 a limited time outside painting only' We use best white lead and lin seed? oil available PHONE HELP MALE BELL BOY APPLY IN parson Hotel owler CLERK OR GROCERY STORE' AP plyyin person 1310 18th Red Market WANTED MARRIED MAN OR part time farm work' Practically new bouse with soft water and electri city Write Box 77 Journal and Cou rier MAN WITH BOY TO TAKEcomplete charge of dairy hrd 8180 month with house and privileges Wm Unxicker 2: miles north of DeMotte on 53 Phone 3822 MAN WANTED OR RAWLEIGH business No experience or capital neceseary Sales easy to make and profit large Start Immediately Write Dept IN 247 190 reeport HL VACUUM CLEANER SALESMAN GET id profitable business of your own We have the most unusual proposition ever offered Counties adjoining Tippe canoe open Car necessary Write Box 76 Journal and Courier WANTED CAN MAKE RIGHT MAN A very attractive offer Permanent con nection roten food locker plant Ex perience helpful but not neceeaary If you know meat write Box 75 Jour aal and Courier NEW INDIANAPOLIS WHOLESALE liquor dealer with nationally advertis ed lines wants salesman to live In vicin ity of Lafayetta Prefer no liquor exper ience Need car Write or call for inter view Arch Beverage Corp 1 31 East Georgia Indianapolis Market 8357 SALESMAN TO SELL LINK ARM machinery in Indiana Ohio and Ken tucky All territories open calling on farm machinery dealer and hardware stores An excellent opportunity for the right men High commissiona See Mr Shope after 6 o'clock Wednesday or Thursday evening Walton Ind PAINTERS 11 Must Qualify Ph? 4334 WE WILL TRAIN to collect Health Accident and Hos pitalization insurance debit Must have car Established debit in' Lafayetta Earnings about $55 weekly for first 13 weeka Wonderful opportunity for ad vancement Cali in person at Room 17 Sharp Bldg 'before 10 a i We Need An i Experienced 'Man tu Repair md Install Tires Jn Person REDINBO MOTOR CO "308 Third St MANAGER WANTED To hire and train' men to sell Re gina 'Home Cleaning unit in La fayette and vicinity Merchandise available Will interview at owler Hotel Wednesday June 25th Mr Lawyer Wanted Young man 21 to 30 interested in learning dis play and advertisings work This is' a permanent full time position to one that will qual ify Apply" SEARS ROEBUCK co: Excellent Opportunity 1 I or experienced retail fresh fruit and vegetable man ull time Make application in person 0:00 a to 11:00 a tfPESHA PHONE 2820 VMr PIGGLY: WIGGLY I 1 HELP EMALE EXPERIENCED COOK OR family of two Phons 448L GOOD PRACTICAL NURSE Hours 4 a to 5 Call 3270 WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL TO care for two small Kiria afternoon Call at 1503 erry St any tlma LADY OR OICE WORK MUST bo able to typa? Room sand board Phono 3778 HOUSEWORK ULL OR PART time No childrenNo heavy clean ing House 135 Court State St near airport road WOMAN COOK 335 PER WEEK room and board furnished Give age height weight Write Ideal Beach Resort Monticello' Indr STENOGRAPHER OR 'LOAN COM pany office Good prospects for as suming position of responsibility Write Box 85 Journal and Courier.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.