How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (2024)

🔥 published March 1, 2024


How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (1) byLogan Romford

7 min read

How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (3)How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (4)How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (5)How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (6)


In geometry, triangles are fascinating shapes that come with a set of intriguing properties. One such property is similarity, which allows us to compare triangles based on their shapes, regardless of their sizes. Proving triangles similarly is a fundamental skill in geometry that has practical applications in various fields, including engineering, architecture, and even art.

How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (7)


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What Does Similarity Mean in Geometry?

Similarity is like a secret code that tells us when two figures are essentially the same shape, even if they’re not the same size. It’s like looking at two photos of the same object, one zoomed in and one zoomed out. They’re the same thing, just at different scales.

When we talk about similar triangles, we’re saying that they’re like geometric twins. Their corresponding angles match up perfectly, so they have the same “face,” so to speak. But it’s not just about the angles. The sides of these triangles are in proportion, which means if you were to measure them, you’d find that the lengths are scaled versions of each other. It’s like one triangle is a mini-me or a giant version of the other.

Imagine you have two triangles, and you can magically stretch or shrink one without changing its shape. If you can make it match the other triangle exactly, then they’re similar. This concept of similarity is super useful because it lets us compare shapes, solve problems, and understand the world around us in a more mathematical way. So, next time you see two shapes that look alike but are different sizes, remember, they might just be similar!

What Are the Triangle Similarity Criteria?

Proving that triangles are similar is like solving a puzzle. We use specific criteria, or “clues,” to figure out if two triangles are basically the same shape. These criteria are all about how the angles and sides of the triangles relate to each other. Let’s dive into the three main criteria for triangle similarity:

  1. Angle-Angle (AA) Similarity: This criterion is all about the angles. If two angles in one triangle are exactly the same as two angles in another triangle, then the triangles are considered similar. It’s like if two people have the same eye color and smile – you can tell they’re related! In geometry, if two triangles share two congruent angles, the third angle must be congruent too, since the angles in a triangle always add up to 180 degrees. So, by knowing just two angles are the same, we can say the whole triangle is similar.
  2. Side-Side-Side (SSS) Similarity: This one is about the sides. If the lengths of the corresponding sides of two triangles are in the same proportion, then the triangles are similar. For example, if one triangle has sides that are twice as long as the sides of another triangle, they’re similar. It’s like comparing two photographs of the same object taken from different distances – they show the same thing, just at different scales.
  3. Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Similarity: This criterion combines sides and angles. If two sides of one triangle are in the same proportion as two sides of another triangle, and the angles between those sides are equal, then the triangles are similar. It’s like saying if two people have the same height-to-weight ratio and the same nose shape, they have a similar appearance.

Three Accepted Methods for Proving Triangles Similar

Based on these three criteria for triangles similarity, there are therefore 3 methods to prove such similarity.

AA Similarity

Show that two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle. Since the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees, if two angles are congruent, the third angle must also be congruent, proving the triangles are similar.

Prove that triangles ABC and DEF are similar given that ∠A = 50°, ∠B = 60°, ∠D = 50°, and ∠E = 60°.


  1. We know that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180°.
  2. In triangle ABC, ∠C = 180° – (∠A + ∠B) = 180° – (50° + 60°) = 70°.
  3. In triangle DEF, ∠F = 180° – (∠D + ∠E) = 180° – (50° + 60°) = 70°.
  4. We have ∠A = ∠D and ∠B = ∠E. Since the third angles ∠C and ∠F are also equal, the triangles are similar by AA similarity (AAA is a special case of AA).

SSS Similarity

Demonstrate that the ratios of the corresponding sides of two triangles are equal. This can be done by dividing the lengths of corresponding sides and showing that the ratios are the same for all three pairs of sides.

Determine if triangles GHI and JKL are similar given that GH = 4 cm, HI = 6 cm, IJ = 8 cm, JK = 6 cm, KL = 9 cm, and LJ = 12 cm.


  1. Calculate the ratios of the corresponding sides:
    • GH/JK = 4 cm / 6 cm = 2/3
    • HI/KL = 6 cm / 9 cm = 2/3
    • IJ/LJ = 8 cm / 12 cm = 2/3
  2. All the ratios of the corresponding sides are equal (2/3).
  3. Therefore, triangles GHI and JKL are similar by SSS similarity.

SAS Similarity

Prove that two sides of one triangle are proportional to two sides of another triangle and that the angles between these sides are congruent. This method combines the properties of proportional sides and congruent angles to establish similarity.

Prove that triangles MNO and PQR are similar given that MN/PQ = 3/4, NO/QR = 3/4, and ∠N = ∠Q.


  1. We are given that the ratios of two pairs of corresponding sides are equal: MN/PQ = NO/QR = 3/4.
  2. We are also given that the included angles are congruent: ∠N = ∠Q.
  3. Therefore, triangles MNO and PQR are similar by SAS similarity.

Finding Missing Side Lengths in Similar Triangles

Once you’ve established that two triangles are similar, you unlock a powerful tool for finding missing side lengths: the concept of proportional sides. Similar triangles maintain the same shape, which means their corresponding sides are proportional. This proportionality is governed by a scale factor, which we’ll call k.

Let’s say you have two similar triangles, Triangle 1 and Triangle 2. The scale factor k describes how much larger or smaller Triangle 2 is compared to Triangle 1. Mathematically, this relationship is expressed as:

or, equivalently,

This equation tells us that if you multiply the length of a side in Triangle 1 by �k, you’ll get the length of the corresponding side in Triangle 2, and vice versa. Now, imagine you know the lengths of some sides but there’s one side length missing. You can set up a proportion using the known side lengths and the scale factor to find the unknown length. Here’s how you do it:

  • Set up the proportion: Write an equation that relates the known side lengths and the unknown length using the concept of proportional sides.
  • Cross-multiply: Multiply the terms diagonally across the equal sign. This will give you an equation where the unknown length is multiplied by a known number.
  • Solve for the unknown: Use algebraic manipulation to isolate the unknown length on one side of the equation. This might involve dividing both sides of the equation by a number or subtracting a number from both sides.
  • Check your work: Once you’ve found the missing length, double-check your calculations to make sure everything adds up.

By following these steps and using the principle of proportional sides, you can confidently find missing side lengths in similar triangles, unlocking a world of geometric possibilities!


Proving triangles similar is a crucial aspect of geometry that allows us to understand the relationships between different shapes. By mastering the triangle similarity criteria and learning how to apply them, you can unlock a world of geometric possibilities. Whether you’re solving complex problems or simply exploring the beauty of shapes, the ability to prove triangles similar is an invaluable tool in your mathematical toolkit.


What are the criteria for proving triangles similar?

To prove that triangles are similar, we use specific criteria that compare the angles and sides of the triangles. The three main criteria are:

  • If two angles in one triangle are equal to two angles in another triangle, then the triangles are similar. This is because if two angles are the same, the third angle must also be the same, making the triangles have identical shapes.
  • If the lengths of all three sides of one triangle are proportional to the lengths of the corresponding sides in another triangle, then the triangles are similar. This means that if you can multiply the sides of one triangle by the same number to get the sides of the other triangle, they’re similar.
  • If the lengths of all three sides of one triangle are proportional to the lengths of the corresponding sides in another triangle, then the triangles are similar. This means that if you can multiply the sides of one triangle by the same number to get the sides of the other triangle, they’re similar.

Can triangles be similar but not congruent?

Yes, triangles can be similar but not congruent. Similar triangles have the same shape but may be different in size, while congruent triangles are identical in both shape and size. For example, two triangles with angles of 30°, 60°, and 90° are similar because they have the same shape, but if one has sides of 3, 4, and 5 units and the other has sides of 6, 8, and 10 units, they are not congruent because their sizes are different.

How do I find missing side lengths in similar triangles?

To find missing side lengths in similar triangles, you use the fact that corresponding sides are proportional. Write a ratio that compares the lengths of the known sides in one triangle to the lengths of the corresponding sides in the other triangle. Make sure your proportion includes the missing side length. For example, if you know sides a and b in one triangle and side c in the other triangle, but side d is missing, your proportion might look like a/b = c/d. Use cross-multiplication to solve the proportion for the missing side length. This involves multiplying the numerator of one ratio by the denominator of the other ratio and setting the two products equal to each other. Once you’ve found the missing length, double-check your work to make sure it makes sense in the context of the problem.



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How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math (2024)


How to Prove Triangles Simila: Quick Math? ›

Two triangles are similar if they meet one of the following criteria. : Two pairs of corresponding angles are equal. : Three pairs of corresponding sides are proportional.

How do you prove triangle similarity answers? ›

If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar. If ∠A ≅ ∠D and ∠B ≅ ∠E, then △ABC ∼ △DEF.

How to proof similar triangles? ›

AA (Angle-Angle): If triangles have two of the same angles, then the triangles are similar. SAS (Side-Angle-Side): If triangles have two pairs of proportional sides and equal included angles, then the triangles are similar.

How do you know whether two triangles are similar it is enough to know? ›

To prove triangles are similar, you need to prove two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent.

What are 3 rules that prove two triangles are similar? ›

The triangle similarity criteria are: AA (Angle-Angle) SSS (Side-Side-Side) SAS (Side-Angle-Side)

How to prove that triangles are similar in grade 9? ›

If the two sides of a triangle are in the same proportion of the two sides of another triangle, and the angle inscribed by the two sides in both the triangle are equal, then two triangles are said to be similar. Thus, if ∠A = ∠X and AB/XY = AC/XZ then ΔABC ~ΔXYZ.

What are the 3 theorems that prove triangles are similar? ›

The Language of Similarity

These theorems, which are Angle - Angle (AA), Side - Angle - Side (SAS) and Side - Side - Side (SSS), make it possible to determine triangle similarity with minimal calculations.

How do you prove two right triangles are similar? ›

By the Side-Angle-Side Similarity Theorem (SASS), if two sides of a triangle are in proportion with the corresponding sides of another triangle, and the included angles are congruent, then the triangles are similar.

Can you use SSS to prove triangles similar? ›

What is SSS Similarity Criterion for Triangles? The SSS criterion for triangle similarity states that if three sides of one triangle are proportional to three sides of another triangle, then the triangles are similar.

How do you prove that each pair of triangles are similar? ›

If two pairs of corresponding sides are in proportion, and the included angle of each pair is equal, then the two triangles they form are similar. Any time two sides of a triangle and their included angle are fixed, then all three vertices of that triangle are fixed.

How to prove a triangle? ›

Triangles proofs are done by completing two-column proofs which consist of statements and reasons to reach a final proven conclusion. This conclusion would consist of any of the five congruent triangle theorems (SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, or HL).

How to know if the triangles are similar? ›

Two triangles are said to be similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and the corresponding sides are in proportion . In other words, similar triangles are the same shape, but not necessarily the same size. The triangles are congruent if, in addition to this, their corresponding sides are of equal length.

How if possible the triangles can be proved similar? ›

What information is necessary to prove two triangles are similar by the SAS similarity theorem? You need to show that two sides of one triangle are proportional to two corresponding sides of another triangle, with the included corresponding angles being congruent.

How do you explain whether two similar triangles may be? ›


What is the theorem that proves the similarity between triangles? ›

The Side-Side-Side (SSS) criterion for similarity of two triangles states that “If in two triangles, sides of one triangle are proportional to (i.e., in the same ratio of ) the sides of the other triangle, then their corresponding angles are equal and hence the two triangles are similar”.

How do you prove the similarity theorem of a right triangle? ›

If the lengths of the hypotenuse and a leg of a right triangle are proportional to the corresponding parts of another right triangle, then the triangles are similar. (You can prove this by using the Pythagorean Theorem to show that the third pair of sides is also proportional.) In the figure, D F S T = D E S R .

How do you show why two triangles are similar? ›

Two triangles are said to be similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and the corresponding sides are in proportion . In other words, similar triangles are the same shape, but not necessarily the same size. The triangles are congruent if, in addition to this, their corresponding sides are of equal length.

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