Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (2025)

Ark Aberration houses a lot of unique Dinos and creatures. These creatures can be found all over the map. Once found, you can tame any creature of your choice to harness his powers. This guide will cover all the Dinos and their Spawn locations in the Ark Aberration and take you to their individual, detailed guides as well.

Ark Aberration All Dino Spawn location

We’ve covered each of these creatures in separate guides as well. So, if you want to learn about their spawning areas, feeding habits and how to tame them, simply head over to the linked guide.


Nameless also known as Chupacabra is a creature that is found commonly in Ark Aberration. You can find him in blue bioluminescence and red element regions such as The Surface, Element Falls, The Spine, The Lost Roads, and Luminous Marshlands.

If you do not have any light source emitting from your or from any of your pets, Nameless will attack you. This attack can be avoided by going completely dark in the region where Nameless is found. In Ark Abberation, you cannot tame Nameless. We have attached a map image below that has all the spawn locations of Nameless.

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (1)


A Seeker is a flying creature that has wings with two legs. It can also walk on the ground using its wings. Seeker is a creature that can survive the harsh climate of Ark Aberration such as radiation and high heat.

You can rarely find Seeker in all the Surface regions. Seeker is more commonly found in the Molten Element region such as Element Falls and Lost Roads. You cannot tame Seeker in Ark Abberation. They however are attracted to charge light and can be persuaded to attach the enemy.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Seeker in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (2)


Ravager is an aggressive wolf-like creature that has the highest running speed in the Ark Aberration. Due to his high speed, you cannot possibly run away once chased by him. Once tamed, you can also ride him enough stamina to climb.

You can find Ravager in the Blue Bioluminescence regions of the Ark Abberation. These regions are Mushroom Forest, River Valley, and Luminous Marshland. Blue Regions in the Ark Abberation are the coldest therefore protective gear is necessary.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Ravager in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (3)


Lamprey is a creature like an eel and has a long-elongated body with charged light on its tail. They are big leeches therefore they will attach to anything close for water and food. You can easily tame Lamprey by feeding the Fish Basket until the tame bar is full.

Once tamed, you can use Lamprey as a light source. You can find Lamprey in either Green fertile or Blue Bioluminescence regions of the Ark Abberation. Luminous Marshland, The Spine, The Lost Roads, and Halls of the Reaper is the regions where you will Lamprey.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Lamprey in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (4)


Karkinos is a creature that has a resemblance to a crab and has six legs. You can find Karkinos near the water in Ark Abberation. You can easily tame Karkinos by first knocking them out and then feeding them Turtle Kibble or Spoilt Meat.

Once tamed, Karkinos can be used to assist in battle and as animal carriers. You can commonly find Karkinos in the Fallen Nexus, Hidden Grotto Tunnels, and Mushroom Forest region near the water.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Karkinos in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (5)


Shirehorn is a cute passive creature that eats an herbivore diet. It can be an excellent choice for a pet. You can easily tame it by feeding Shirehorn Plant Species Z Seed and Aggeravic Mushroom.

Once tames, Shinehorn can also be used as a charged light source. You can easily find Shinehorn in the Bioluminescence regions such as Luminous Marshland and The Overlook.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Shinehorn in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (6)


Rockwell is a gigantic creature that is a hybrid between a human and a monster. He is the second largest creature with a messed-up face and huge tentacles attached to his body.

You can tame Rockwell by fighting him or by using the cheats. Rockwell can be found inside the Rockwell Arena or in his terminal located in the Grave of the lost. You can access the terminal by either beacon or an obelisk.

Roll Rat

Roll Rat is a passive herbivore creature that loves to dig plants and fungi with his large front teeth. The back of the Roll Rat is very strong and can serve as armor. If Roll Rat is rolled, it can destroy any wall, rock, or enemy.

You can easily tame Roll Rat by feeding him Giant Bee Honey. Roll Rat can be found wandering around in the Green fertile and Blue Bioluminescence regions of Ark Aberration. These regions are The Fallen Nexus, Mushroom Forest, and Luminous Marshlands.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Roll Rat in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (7)

Surface Reaper King

Surface Reaper King is an aggressive creature that only spawns at night and is rarer than its non-alpha counterparts. You can easily identify the Surface Reaper King by its red flesh and red burning aura.

You can easily tame Surface Reaper King by fighting him. The Surface Reaper King can be found in The Surface region of the Ark Abberation. You can learn about all the spawn locations of Surface Reaper King in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (8)


Glowtail is essentially a cute lizard with blue accents on the back and a glowing tail. You can easily tame Glowtail by feeding him either Plant Species Z Seed or Ascerbic Mushroom. Once tamed, Glowtail can be used as a pet, radar, backpack, and light source.

Glowtail can most commonly be found inside the Old Railway Cave Tunnels in the Bioluminescence region. It can also be found less commonly in the Overlook and The Spine regions of the Ark Aberration.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Glowtail in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (9)


Featherlight is a passive creature that looks like a small bird with glowing feathers and a crest on his forehead. You can easily tame Featherlight by feeding him either Plant Species Z Seed or Auric Mushroom.

Once tamed, Featherlight can assist in collecting Rock Drake eggs, light source, radar, and backpack. You can find Featherlight flying in the green fertile region of the Ark aberration. These regions are The Lost Roads, The Spine, and Element Falls.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Featherlight in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (10)


A basilisk is an aggressive and dangerous creature that looks like a snake but is double its size. It can travel in total stealth by making a hole in the ground. You can tame Basilisk by giving him fertilized Rock Drake Eggs to eat until the tame bar is full.

You can use Basilisk as a Long-Distance Transport, Warrior, and Hunter after taming him. Basilisks can be found all over the Ark Aberration map except the Surface. The regions where you can find Basilisk include the Ancient Device, The Lost Roads, The Spine, and Element Falls.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Basilisk in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (11)


Glowbug as the name suggests is a creature that glows with green glowing light. They belong to the class of passive creatures and will immediately run away once approached. You can easily tame the Glowbug by feeding him his favorite food.

Glowbug can be used as a Charge Source which can later be used to power a light source. Glowbug can be found all over the Ark Aberration map except in the Surface region. The regions where you can find Basilisk include the Ancient Device, The Lost Roads, The Spine, Mushroom Forest, and Element Falls.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Glowbug in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (12)


Bulbdog is also known as Lantern Pug is a passive creature in Ark Aberration with a face that resembles a frog. Once approached, Bulbdog will run away from you and will call others from his group nearby. You can easily tame Bulbdog by feeding him Plant Species Z Seed and Aquatic Mushroom.

Once tamed, Bulbdog can be an excellent source of light or also can be a pet. You can find Bubdog in the blue Bioluminescence regions of the Ark Aberration commonly wandering around. These regions are Mushroom Forest, Ancient Device, Fallen Nexus, and River Valley.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Bulbdog in Ark Aberration from the map image below:

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (13)

Ark Aberration Creature Spawn Map (2025)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.